June 30, 2007
Catching Up
Ohio (The Flats)

June 22, 2007
Chilly Beans--Modest Proposals
Slime Mold and Bento Boxes
Gloves for Handling Unruly Animals
After the cattitude cat swiped my big guy, I decided to see what there was on the web for subduing unruly critters. And here is a link I found for restraints that Vets can use and anyone else who knows about them.
This is a great link for gloves and other things (like Muzzles) for unruly animals. It is good to know about for rescue too.
Cattitude and Cats
Until then peace
June 21, 2007
Word Nerd Alert
Hobbits or Missing Links
Do We Ever...
Reading Obituaries
My Hobbit Sized Great Aunt

June 20, 2007
Old Houses

Last Post Reminded Me
Claudia Psychic / Healer - Claudia offers accurate Psychic Readings, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Counseling and many forms of Alternative Healing for healing on all levels.
However, if I'd hadn't gotten free enough by using the energy work from Robert Bruce's books, I might not have been able to get beyond ... Being haunted is a lot like any other addiction, if I don't make sure to meditate, pray, connect with serenity, let go of attachments, and keep on keeping on with the uncrinkle guy and Claudia, it will start up again. So watching shows like Ghost Hunters reminds me that I must continue to be careful. Peace....
Battery Powered Watches
Until then, peace
Public Cat Service Video YouTube Again
YouTube's "The Weasley Kittens"
Curse Support Specialists
June 19, 2007
Don't Curse the Darkness--Light Candles
Cats and King James
Cat Law vs. Dog Law
A. There really are very few resources on laws that govern cats. Here is a link to a lighthearted history of cats in the law. http://www.llrx.com/features/catlaw.htm
B. Dog Law is much better covered. http://doglaw.hugpug.com/ and http://www.nolo.com/ have books and articles about various laws for the protection of and from dogs. But cats are ... shy. It seems much more common to find humane societies and shelters getting involved in crazy cat lady suits than in writing laws and books about protection of and from cats. My theory of the day for this phenomena is that dog owners and cat owners are breeds apart. I say this because of my experiences at shelters and on the rescue runs. Dog owners are forthright, control oriented people. Wonderful for dogs. Cat owners are also forthright, control oriented people. Wonderful for cats.
C. But the object of their controls differ. Dog owners tend to control others as well as their dogs. Cat owners cluster their cats into cars and carriers and make sure no one else bothers them ... Just a first thought. I am sure cat owners will yowl and dog owners will growl at the shallowness of my view. But give me time to develop it as I write and think more. Meanwhile, peace....and please keep your animals safe.
Wasabi--Move Over Tulkoff's

Grazing on Phrase Quizzes
Minced Oaths--What?
Where did you Go, Rosemary Woods?
June 18, 2007
Well, That Was a Predicable Quiz Outcome....
Alliterative Quizzes
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Souls

June 17, 2007
FOHA Musing
Life in Rescue Last Night
For now, peace and I will post pictures later.
June 15, 2007
Moss Growing...Who Knew

33. Moss can be a blessing or a curse in the garden depending on where it is. Moss on sidewalks can be a hazard, but bleach will kill it quickly. If you like the look of moss in the garden, try creating a moss garden. Put live moss and some buttermilk or yogurt in a blender and puree it. Spread the resulting mixture where you would like to grow your moss. Make sure it is shady and receives plenty of moisture. Once you have some moss established, fertilize it twice per year with a mixture of beer and buttermilk. http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.org/resources/seasonal/gardeningtips.shtml
But really, Beer and Buttermilk as fertilizers? Who knew!!!???

OK, It's Official, I'm a Bio-Hazard

June 14, 2007
Disgusted with Dems/Reps/Pols in General
Already Tired and Weekend isn't for 2 Days!!

"I am breathing in and liberating my mind.
-The Sutra on Full Awareness of Breathing,
translated by Thich Nhat Hanh
From "Teachings of the Buddha," edited by Jack
Kornfield, 1993. Reprinted by arrangement with Shambhala
Publications, Boston, www.shambhala.com.

June 13, 2007
Raccoons and Cats
The cats I do feed are just so grateful that it is hard to stop feeding them even when I learn some of them actually belong to neighbors of mine who let their cats run free during the day. I mean, who does that these days, in a busy Burke townhouse community with cars whizzing by. Un-neutered, un-microchipped, uncollared, essentially uncared for. Really.....thinking seems to be a lost continent.... Where was I??? Oh, raccoons are eating the cat food too. In fact, a mom and her cub were poking their heads out of the drain in front of my place a couple nights ago and I swear I heard the mom tell the cub -- For Good Grub Eat at that House. I know that some wiley animal is narfing down the food because all the eating things get turned over and the water gets pe'ed into over night ... So I am on a food strike right now. No food for cats. And I feel rotten about it. But I hate raccoon pee a lot. It reeeeeeks. I'll probably cave on my resolution tonight and sneak two sets of food out there -- Here in the land 5 feet from the front door (a townhouse has next to no land) is the raccoon eatery. And for those more finnicky diners there will be free eats on the porch. Sheeesh. Now serving cats and raccoons. I guess I should be glad they don't want fries with dinner.

Ok, This is Not Fair
There was a Pratt University Professor who had a pocket garden. He grew moss in camera cannisters with eeny weeny small rocks in there as well. It was magic.
But no, Daily Dirt is about achieving the perfect garden by referring to various pocket garden guides. Arrrrgggh!!! What a cheat!!!!!!! I want japanese gardens in a box and I see this guide to garden perfection instead. http://mygardenguide.com/pocket_guide.html I suppose it is karma from helping weed one year when I was pre-pre-preteen and pulled up all my sister's lettuce thinking they were weeds. Sadly, I didn't know the phrase -- one mans dandelion is another man's weeds....sigh.
So it's Obvious -- I Really Am Blogging Today
Anyway here is the result of yet another test which only proves (a) I am stubborn, (b) I like these tests and (c) I'll keep testing until I find one that truly reflects just how RARE I think I am... WhoooHoooo!!!
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP) |
![]() Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive. Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
Just when I had given up on Fungus
Soldiers were paid in salt which was used in many ways -- from preserving and flavoring food to sterilizing wounds. So salt was much valued by the Romans as they marched through the world fighting everyone they met. Anyway, I digress. Here is the cool use from the http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com website. "Cheap, effective cure for toenail fungussuggested by [unspecified] on Sunday, June 3, 2007 . I've tried every home remedy and otc product. Some were expensive, some helped but did not cure the problem, some time consuming. This is the best (and cheapest) cure. Twice a day, wash your feet and leave your toes and nails wet. Pour table salt on the wet nails, shake off the excess and put socks on. The salt will bleach out the yellow discoloration and the fungus cannot live in this salty environment!"
Cure from the http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com/remedy/Toe-nail-fungus.html
Just When I Thought...
http://www.johncletheroe.org. I came, I grazed, I posted. I'm gone.
Taking a Break...Idioms
June 11, 2007
Thought for the Day--

Greater in battle
than the man who would conquer
a thousand-thousand men,
is he who would conquer
just one--
-Dhammapada, 8, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

June 8, 2007
Human Humor vs. Cat Humor
My cats' idea of humor is when they ease into the Whole Foods paper bag. It is a long process for them. They sniff suspiciously, they put in a paw, they take out a paw, they do the hokey pokey look-see to make sure no other cat is around to laugh at them and then they go into the bag. What's funny is when there is already a cat in residence and they try to do this. H
June 7, 2007
Ghost Stories I Love
Here is a favorite passage from A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens.
'What evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your senses?' 'I don't know,' said Scrooge. 'Why do you doubt your senses?' 'Because,' said Scrooge, 'a little thing affects them. A slight disorder of the tomach makes them cheats. You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!'
Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.
Quizzes I have loved
The quiz was at Jenny Turpish Slapped Me (aka http://hokev.brinkster.net/quiz/default.asp). I don't think the link is active anymore. Bigger Sigh....... If you find it though, let me know?????
Meanwhile, Peace
Current Myth-Makers
Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith
Until I hear a (hah) politician say these words, until I hear a politican say that the border states are not secure until the border states' governors say they are secure, until I can trust Homeland Security...
Whittington's Cat
Instead of my usual rants against the clowns in Congress and other branches of the U.S. government, I figured instead that I needed to refresh my long view of the soundbites of old with a wonderful tale of a young man who makes good in the Big City.
June 6, 2007
Gene Testing
The link lists various medical conditions that are genetic in origin. What jumped out at me was the implicit statement that now that we understand genetics we can cure/eradicate/deal with the diseases that genetics can address. That worries me. A lot. How do we judge who is too genetically flawed, when do we test for that, what happens if ??? And a lot of other questions. I have a personal interest in this because I am a survivor of a plot by my first mother-in-law who wanted me to be sterilized albeit she was careful to say it was in my best interest. So I believe this "understanding" is a slippery slope we go down as a society when we believe that we can control disease by controlling the lives of people. A very slippery slope.

Dragon Quiz
A BLUE Dragon Lies Beneath!

My inner dragon is the Water Elemental dragon. If there ever was a draconic example of a supple attitude, my inner dragon is it. Just sit back and go with the flow. *contented sigh* Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.
Personal Myth-teries
Grudging -- So Not the Thing to Do
June 5, 2007
Buddhism encourages me to let go of attachments which anchor me in anger, envy, resentments and any number of other issues. I need to remember that quality of letting go every time I run into an annoying individual, a stressful situation or a cat who just wants to climb up my leg on his way to the catnip. The Zen koan of holding with an open hand is so easy to say, so hard to do. I guess that is why meditation is called practice.
Buddhism Quote of the Day

Hamlet on America Today
June 4, 2007
Drawing Light
Early Settlers/Family Myth-tery
I am tickled actually. Here is the link: http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohscogs/PioneerFamilies/ShelbyPioneerMarvin.html
I was always told that Angeline Marvin was the first white child born in the Western Reserve of Ohio. Not so. She was born March 10, 1819, the first of many children born to her parents Stephen and Sarah Marvin who had moved to Shelby, Ohio from Norwalk, Connecticut. However, the long trek into the wilderness is true. But the records I can see from here do not confirm that Angeline was born immediately after the trek or later once everyone was more settled. Was it a 40 day trek? Not sure. Sounds about right considering transportation in the 1819 era. But I really don't know. Perhaps I should use the recreation of the Lewis and Clark expedition as a benchmark. In any event, it is good to be able to settle some of the Myth-teries that grow in families by checking on the internet. Isn't it funny that we built up our ancestors when it is really ourselves that need building.
Family Myth-teries
Odessa and Rescuers

Bottom Line Immigration
Beliefnet/Buddhist Daily Sayings
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, "Imagine All the People"
June 2, 2007
Merci Mercy

June 1, 2007
Odi et Amo
For the one who has no inner, angry thoughts,
From "Buddha Speaks," edited by Anne Bancroft, 2000. Reprinted by arrangement with Shambhala Publications, Boston, www.shambhala.com.
Namaste for Now