June 4, 2007

Bottom Line Immigration

I tried to call in to C-Span this morning because they were talking about the immigration bill. As usual, I couldn't get through. What I wanted to say, though, is I think the government is focusing us all on illegal immigration to keep us thinking that if we just dealt with illegals our jobs would be safe. Hah. In today's society if a plant manager can make more money for the plant by firing the legal workers who have to be paid the minimum wage and bringing in illegals, what do you think he is going to do? What we are now seeing in outsourced America, is domestic jobs being outsourced to cheaper workers. Are those workers legal? Some probably are. Some probably aren't. Is this legal? Maybe in some cases it is. Maybe in some cases it isn't. What I do believe is that this trend is a slippery slope back to a sweatshop mentality the U.S. was in at the beginning of the 20th Century. It all comes down to the Bottom Line. And because the media refuses to report on these firings to get lower cost workers, here is a report from a friend in Canada about exactly the same thing happening up there. http://thetyee.ca/News/2007/06/04/Widgets/


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