March 8, 2007

Resources for Soulful Living

Finding Serenity
Finding Serenity...Getting the heart, head and hands harnessed together. Not as easy as it sounds. At least for me. My favorite way to start re-balanced myself when I realize I am living too much in either place is to start writing. I pick two words that sound alike, e.g., pray or prey, and write about them. Inevitably I begin to write about what is bugging me. I flow into that part of myself that needs attention. That part of me that dreams quietly and runs me ragged with resentments and petty jealousies and fears.

Of course, there are lots of parts to getting balanced. Eating, sleeping, exercise, singing in my car, drawing, reading, looking at pictures and working with my hands. My favorite " must check" websites are, bbc Scotland,,, Daily Om, my Google Home page, or

Meditate instead of medicate... So, did you meditate today? Or was it tough to touch base? Hang in there......and try reading a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. This is a classic book that teaches how to enhance creativity and artistic confidence. There are remarkable drawing exercises that not only teach how to draw but how to meditate as well.

Until then Read, Relax, Believe, Be Aware, instead of Beware. Chill.

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