May 28, 2007

Darth Vader/Skywalker and Family

Meeting the parent within us is a part of aging. At some point, we all say "Oh, My, God, I have become my mother." Perhaps it is when we look at our relationships with our kids, perhaps it is triggered by other quirks we have that are reminiscent of our folks. What is sure, however, is that at some point, this will strike all of us. So, our relationship with ourselves at that point hinges on whether we rejected our folks or whether we embraced them. Certainly, it requires that we be flexible enough to learn to embrace our humanity as mirrored by who we thought our parents were. My own folks? Alternately, I rebelled and then was proud of their eccentricity. Just as I am alternately rebellious of what is good for me as a person and proud of what is unique about me. Autodidact, geek, word nerd are what distinguish me from my folks. Impossible to tell me what to do because I don't want to hear it from one characteristic I got from my folks. So fighting against evil in myself because I am reminded of my parents is as futile as Luke Skywalker fighting with his shadow side Darth Vader. I am who I am. Embrace my weaknesses and let go of defending myself against weakness. So for me, learning to let go of self judgment is critical for me to maintain as I allow myself to grow from ... self hate into me. Peace please.

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