June 17, 2010

The Tale of the Mouse

As everyone who reads this blog knows, I rescue animals.  Ok, ok, perhaps not cockroaches when they march inside my place but very close to everything else.  I accept no excuses for not rescuing animals...not even when it comes to excusing my reckless endangering of backyard wildlife.

So today a lesson learned and my humble apologies to scaring a field mouse almost to bits.  I left the door open when the cats & I went out  to play and a mouse came in uninvited. When I back in with the cats, they had a marvelous time trying to find the mouse but he stayed away until this evening.   And tonight it was a one sided battle with the cats winning paws down.  My big cat Rory (seen above) caught the mouse and paraded in front of me with his jaws full of mouse.  The mouse got lucky because I threw a blanket over both of them and got the mouse (that I thought was dead) away from the cat.

I even got the mouse back into the wild (well, the front yard actually) after I found him trying to get out of the kitchen trash can where I had stashed him away from the cat.  He seems unhurt and hopefully will find his way to the backyard from the azalea bush.

All safe for now in this corner of the world.


Rachel Maddow's faux Oval Office statement tonight -- pure genius.