June 15, 2007

Moss Growing...Who Knew

This snippet gives new meaning to not letting moss grow under my feet. Here is what can happen…according to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens this is the way to propagate moss in new places in your yard..

33. Moss can be a blessing or a curse in the garden depending on where it is. Moss on sidewalks can be a hazard, but bleach will kill it quickly. If you like the look of moss in the garden, try creating a moss garden. Put live moss and some buttermilk or yogurt in a blender and puree it. Spread the resulting mixture where you would like to grow your moss. Make sure it is shady and receives plenty of moisture. Once you have some moss established, fertilize it twice per year with a mixture of beer and buttermilk. http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.org/resources/seasonal/gardeningtips.shtml

But really, Beer and Buttermilk as fertilizers? Who knew!!!???

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