Old songs by the Mills Brothers' and vet visits seem lightyears apart, don't they? But their song, You Always Hurt the Ones You Love, seems especially appropriate tonight. http://www.lyricsdownload.com/mills-brothers-you-always-hurt-the-one-you-love-lyrics.html I took the cat for a vet visit yesterday. My shoe loving, dishwasher exploring, semi-feral cat was sick so off to the vet we went. Freckles, the cat, is such a great cat but such a fighter. At least the staff at the hospital knows that it will take 4 attendants, several blanket wraps and much patience to extract information from him. And thankfully they do this testing out of my sight. I become -- well -- tense. I must have mentioned before that I hate needles. But I hate sick cats more. So now we are back home with a bottle of pills and an instruction to call tomorrow to let the vet know how he is doing. Sigh. The last time I had a sick (really sick) animal friend it was my Newfoundland dog who developed intestinal cancer. Fingers crossed, this is not that. I will just keep muttering to myself, "It is just a cat thing. Just a cat thing I have no name for...yet. And it is all going to be ok." Sigh.
May all beings be blessed.
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