May 20, 2007

Old Songs and Vet Visits

Old songs by the Mills Brothers' and vet visits seem lightyears apart, don't they? But their song, You Always Hurt the Ones You Love, seems especially appropriate tonight. I took the cat for a vet visit yesterday. My shoe loving, dishwasher exploring, semi-feral cat was sick so off to the vet we went. Freckles, the cat, is such a great cat but such a fighter. At least the staff at the hospital knows that it will take 4 attendants, several blanket wraps and much patience to extract information from him. And thankfully they do this testing out of my sight. I become -- well -- tense. I must have mentioned before that I hate needles. But I hate sick cats more. So now we are back home with a bottle of pills and an instruction to call tomorrow to let the vet know how he is doing. Sigh. The last time I had a sick (really sick) animal friend it was my Newfoundland dog who developed intestinal cancer. Fingers crossed, this is not that. I will just keep muttering to myself, "It is just a cat thing. Just a cat thing I have no name for...yet. And it is all going to be ok." Sigh.
May all beings be blessed.

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