May 1, 2007

Point of View

John Donne said no man is an island but I am such an isolationist. I lament never knowing people who die because I am afraid to get to know them. such an invisible motivator for me. I want to fit in, I want to get to know people but I work against that clear water of ... well, fear. So the best I can do some days is just make a kind remark and then run back into my safe place. But is isolation a safe place or is safety an illusion? Meanwhile, enjoy the picture. It is a very famous Lake Erie Island. Looks beautiful, doesn't it? There was a Confederate Prison Camp there during the civil war. So where is safety? It is all in your point of view.


  1. Jeez this is quite a heavy-going blog, as your attorney i recommend you visit mine at and let music cheer you up. Are you an american?

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