April 24, 2007

Orphan Diseases

I never knew anything about orphan diseases until I got sick three years ago. Then I discovered real quick that some diseases are orphaned by doctors and drug companies because they don't pay. The people who have orphan diseases are chronic sufferers. I had to deal with a bunch of doctors to get diagnosed for what ultimately turned out was wrong with me. Sadly, it is chronic. There is no magic pill to take, no magic massage that will help, no sleep therapist who can help me get the rest I need. So it is really annoying for me to deal with most doctors at this point. And that is with healthcare. I shudder to think how I could deal with this if I didn't have insurance. So I watch Congress's hand wringing about healthcare with a very jaundiced eye. How can Congress deal with this mess other than kick the insurance companies in their collective behinds? The lobbyist groups won't let that be done. They won't let that be done because investors' lose money when a disease can't be cured, when a disease can't be advertised on TV so drug companies can sell more pills. And chronic pain can't be cured. There is no money in it. So why hurt the investors' bottom line spending money on someone who is always going to hurt? For a better definition of living with pain read this link... http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/2006/02/the_spoon_theory.php

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