April 30, 2007

It's About Time

It's about time. http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSL2919156420070430?feedType=RSS Reuters has just reported an Israeli investigation into the Lebanon war last year. Finally, Olmert is going to be held accountable for "making his bones," by going to war to legitimize himself to his Israeli public. It is sickening. Olmert has no military experience -- just like someone else we all know. My question is this: If countries go to war, why don't the chiefs of state go to the head of the line to do the fighting? Boudicca had it right. She led her clan into battle against the Romans. She actually died in the final battle. But the damn fact is that she put her own body and soul on the line. Here is the BBC entry on her, http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A19248320
Where is that willingness today? Not in Israel and, clearly, not in the U.S. either.

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